Application Information

Farmers Fair and Market Night at Perris Hill Park - Vendor & Entertainment Applications

Below are the rules and applications to become a certified farmer, vendor, entertainer, or non-profit organization at our Market Night. Please note that often times we have a waiting list so register as soon as possible.


All vendors and farmers must be licensed and approved before they are accepted into the market.  Please review and print out a copy of the vendor and market rules.  A completed application must be turned into the Market Manager with all required forms, licences and fees.  


Thank you.


Rules, Regulations & Applications for Market Night

Vendor Application for the Farmers Fair and Market Night at Perris Hill Park
POTRB App for PH Rev 1.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [139.2 KB]
Entertainment Application for the Farmers Fair and Market Night at Perris Hill Park
POTRB Ent App for PH Rev 1.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [133.6 KB]
Rules and Regulations for the Farmers Fair and Market Night at Perris Hill Park
POTRB App RR PH Rev 1.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [98.6 KB]

Downtown Farmshare and Market at Court Street Square - Vendor Applications

Below are the rules and applications to become a certified farmer, or vendor at our Downtown Market. Please note that space is limited so register as soon as possible.


All vendors and farmers must be licensed and approved before they are accepted into the market.  Please review and print out a copy of the vendor and market rules.  A completed application must be turned into the Market Manager with all required forms, licences and fees.  


Thank you.

Rules, Regulations & Applications for the Downtown Market

Vendor Application for San Bernardino Farmshare & Market at Court Street Square
POTRB App for DM Rev 3.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [130.3 KB]
Rules & Regulations for the San Bernardino Farmshare & Market at Court Street Square
POTRB App RR DM Rev 3.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [69.6 KB]

Downtown Farmshare Info

Please go to the Facebook Page for the Downtown San Bernardino Farmshare for information regarding sign up's and details of the program

What's New

The San Bernardino Farmers Fair and Market is EVERY Monday from 6:00PM to 9:30PM at Perris Hill Park - our season is May 5th through October 27, 2014

Perris Hill Market Application
POTRB App for PH Rev 1.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [139.2 KB]
Perris Hill Market Rules
POTRB App RR PH Rev 1.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [98.6 KB]

The San Bernardino Downtown Farmshare and Market every THURSDAY from 11:00AM to 2:00PM at Court Street Square. This is a year round market.  

Downtown Market Application
POTRB App for DM Rev 3.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [130.3 KB]
Downtown Market Rules
POTRB App RR DM Rev 3.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [69.6 KB]

Market Manager /
Entertainment Coordinator:

Sandra Owen-Olivas
(909) 844-7731
P. O. Box 21054
San Bernardino, CA 92406

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